InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) Core Banking System
InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) is a core banking system and finance system that enhances customer service and sales by improving processing speed and simplifying product development.
InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) Core Banking System
InoAn (Inovasi Keuangan) is a banking and finance system that enhances customer service and sales by improving processing speed and simplifying product development.
InoAn Core Banking Login Screen
You can check the example of our InoAn system for the Core Banking System screen. All the items on the screen could be customized to your company’s needs.
InoAn Strong Points
These are for our core banking system strong point is:
- User Friendly, web base interface, user-focused variable menu-tree, scenario and favorite. Function based transaction screen-one screen can support dynamic input items by using each product attribute.
- Scalability, various unit transactions to support banking business following status, stable and easy to expand system architecture.
- Flexibility, advantages of the package, and in-house development. Introduction of Product Factory/Fee Factory system, event base accounting system by using the structured value on the table, OLI as multi-channel interface easy to connect different system.
- Smart, enhanced standing order process, sophisticated bulk transaction handling by using advanced system architecture, easy communication with system by using excel file.
- Customer Focus, minimize manual job like fixed asset and expense, user-focused transaction supporting simulation, automated calculation of interest, function base transaction screen.
- Real-Time Processing, bookkeeping of journal entries on G/L. Multi-currency position, virtual account deposit information of linked mother deposit account, credit exposure.
- Convenient, various methods for user menu, inquiry on opened five screens of anchored or last transactions, easy monitoring of due date job.
- Total Solution, Integrated solution having Core Banking System, back-office-system, MIS (Management Information System), and e-channel systems.
- Following standards from Bank Indonesia and OJK, as well as Accounting standards in Indonesia (IFRS 9-PSAK 71) and ready for IFRS 16.
InoAn Login Screen
- Creation of an exceptional environment for the expansion of non-face-to-face channels.
- Establishment of best practices through the study of exemplary cases.
- Application of best practices developed out of a wealth of research and experiences.
- USD 52 million was spent exclusively on R&D in the last 12 years.
- An open source-based solution with minimal dependency on specific commercial solutions.
InoAn Core Banking System Technology Based
- A high degree of scalability based on the business area and trends in the banking and multi-finance field.
- Excellent stability and easy maintenance.
InoAn Core Banking System Benefits
Improved System
Processing Speed
Fast, efficient operation through the Product Factory and Fee Factory Functions.
Improved Convenience
Enhanced customer and teller convenience through automated functions and personalized customer support.
Increased Sales
Strengthened business expansion through vast of global business expertise and key support for the fast develompment of financial products.
Cost Reduction
An open-source-based system with minimal dependency on specific commercial solutions, resulting in increased cost savings.
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PT. NEXT Transformtech Indonesia
Head Quarter
- Mangkuluhur City – Tower One 16th Floor
South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta