Managment Information System(MIS)

MIS is a planned system of collecting, shorting, disseminating data in the form of information needed with auto generate report system to carry out the functions of management .

MIS Benefits

Objective Management Information System

MIS has five major objectives which include:

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  • Data Capturing, MIS captures data from various internal and external sources of the organization. Data capturing be online.

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  • Storage of Information, MIS stores the processed or unprocessed data for future use. If any information is not immediately required, it is saved as an organization record, for later use.

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  • Retrieval of Information, MIS retrieves information from its storage as and when required by various users.

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  • Dissemination of Information, which is a finished product of MIS, is disseminated to the users in the organization. It is periodic or online through a computer terminal.

How MIS Can Help You?

MIS empowers you to take control of your operations, achieve efficiency at every level, and propel your business to new heights. MIS will streamline decision-making, and harness the power of data more accurate.

Streamline decision-making with:

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  • Collectability Report, check your customer profile correctly and find your potential profile to achieve the business goal.

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  • Delinquency Report, Evaluate your high-profile risk customer data and make the decision to solve the problem.

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  • Collateral Report, check your customer collateral data correctly by the system.

Need Futher Information?

PT. NEXT Transformtech Indonesia

Member of Hana Financial Group (HFG)
Jakarta, Indonesia

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  • Mangkuluhur City – Tower One 16th Floor
    South Jakarta, DKI Jakarta

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