No.1 Cloud Based co-working Groupware

C-Lounge is the cloud-based business management platform that enhances your collaboration and applies e-approval using your devices

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CLounge Benefits

Low-Cost Installation

No initial cost and reasonable fee are charged for low-cost, cloud-based services

Increase Work Efficiency

Increased work efficiency through collaboration functions (chat, approval, process, etc)

High Accessibility & Safety

User-focused, intuituve UI/UX, email, calendar, braodcast, and leave management

Smart Groupaware and Collaboration Tools for Your Business

CLounge is a reliable, cloud-based smart groupware for safe and efficient organization and business management. CLounge help you to cuts several steps to make an approval using e-approval features for superior work efficiency.

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File Drive Management

  1. File drive management can help to enhance collaboration by making it easy to share files with others. This can help to improve communication and productivity.
  2. File drive management can help to increase efficiency by making it easier to find and access files. This can save time and improve productivity.
  3. File drive management can help to improve security by centralizing files and providing access controls. This can help to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information.

e-Approval by CLounge

Embracing e-approval brings numerous benefits to organizations, including time efficiency, enhanced productivity, improved accuracy, compliance, cost savings, and flexibility. By leveraging technology to streamline approval processes, businesses can optimize their operations, drive efficiency, and stay ahead in today’s fast-paced digital landscape.

Link Your Email

Email is a powerful tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. It is a great way to communicate, collaborate, and stay organized. CLounge provide your previous email account, link and monitoring your email using CLounge dashboard.

PT Next Transformtech Indonesia

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Jl. Jend. Gatot Subroto Kav 1-3 Jakarta 12930

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